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The ACPA & NASPA (2016) competency rubric lists four subsections to the Leadership
(LEAD) competency area; foundational and theoretical principles of leadership, self-awareness
and continual reflection, teamwork and interpersonal skills, and change management and
innovation. The LEAD competency area is comprised of the understandings, traits, and
demeanor of a leader. The LEAD competency area has of four learning concepts: education,
training, development, and engagement. To be an effective leader, an individual must be
knowledgeable and understand the qualities that make great leaders and understand the different
leadership models. This area reflects an individual’s leadership abilities regardless of a position
of authority. I believe that I am at an intermediate proficiency level in this area.


Working as a resident assistant and my previous job as a residence director also attribute to my intermediate proficiency in this area. Resident assistants are looked at as role models and student leaders. As a resident assistant, it was my job to truly understand what it means to be a leader. I was able to attend a conference at another institution to better my understanding of my role as a leader through the resident assistant position. My position as a residence director has truly solidified my proficiency. Being a residence director has given me the platform to create environments that encourage my residents as well as resident assistants to be more engaged on campus and to develop further as individuals. I have the position to assist students and give them tips and feedback on how they can become more skilled and well-rounded. Through constant feedback that I encourage my supervises to give me, I have found my fit as a leader. I encourage my supervisees to help me identify where I need more development and skills in.





                                                      Artifact 1:


Completing the DISC assessment helped me understand my strengthens and weaknesses. Also the DISC assessment allowed me to understand how others perceive me. Knowing how I am and how I am perceived all helps me to become a better leader.




                                         Artifact 2:


These two documents serve as reflections on what I believe a true leader looks like and what I strive to do when I obtain a leadership role. 



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