Leadership Philosophy
After reflecting on what I have learned from the course content and from self-reflection, I have developed my own personal leadership philosophy. In order to develop my personal leadership philosophy, I had to reflect on my beliefs, values, and find an understanding of who I am. I believe that my personality type has a huge impact on my leadership style and philosophy. According to my DISC assessment, I have learned that my personality type is influencer and steadiness. Some key characteristics listed for both the influencer behavior style and steadiness behavior style that I believe guide me as a leader are enthusiastic, optimistic, caring, supportive, patient, and sincere. I believe that these words can attribute to my leadership philosophy. I like to bring a fun energy and atmosphere to my work environments. I also like to ensure that everyone’s thoughts and ideas are put into consideration. My personality type greatly affects my values and what I try to implement in my leadership style.
I am people-oriented and I value relationships. A strong leader is capable of networking and getting to know others from different backgrounds. I believe that my bubbly personality helps me to build those connections. Relationship building is essential to a great leader. I would like employees to have some sort of relationship. I believe that through our relationships at work can have an impact on job satisfaction and learning. A leader understands the value in relationship building but does not expect friendships. I believe that when people know one another well, they are much more likely to work well together. When workers are happy and comfortable around their coworkers, it encourages a more productive and collaborative work environment.
Something that I strongly value and strive to promote in all of the work I do is diversity and inclusion. I believe that acknowledging and celebrating diversity is a necessity that needs to be promoted more. I believe that having diverse people work together fosters a healthy work environment that generates growth. Being able to work with others from different backgrounds allows you to identify and understand your own biases and allows you to develop different perspectives on situations. With diversity and celebrating it, I try to ensure that everyone around me understands that we all come from different backgrounds and that we are all unique. Our unique backgrounds and identities helps us to understand that we all do not think alike and that it is important to put our thoughts together and work collectively. I try to help others understand that we all bring something different and valuable to a team and the sooner we realize that, the better we can function as a team.
Working collectively as a team is another thing that I value. I find it very important for everyone’s voices and opinions to be taken into consideration. Collaboration and inclusivity are subsets that I find are very essential when working with others. I value the opinions and suggestions of others when working on a team and can motivate others to share their ideas. Teamwork requires constant communication, which is needed in any role. I want to work in an environment where communication is open and where we all can learn from one another. Stagnation is something I try to stray away from and I believe that there is always room to grow. Having difficult conversations with one another to promote and encourage growth is heavily encouraged and supported by me. In order to have transparency like that, we have to develop a respectable relationship among one another.
As a leader in the profession, I would like to be seen as someone who is fun but also gets their work done. I would like to be seen as an individual who can easily adapt to changes when working with others and someone who can meet everyone where they are. I have great listening skills and I always strive to be inclusive and let everyone feel that they have a space where they can communicate freely. I hope others view me as an individual who tries to ensure that everyone is active, motivated, and feel that they are valued. I hope that to make conversations about diversity and inclusion normalized and not uncomfortable. I would love to continue promoting diversity and inclusion in my work and help others around me to grow in their competence around diversity. I would like others to view me as a leader who does not just delegate tasks but is also actively a part of the team. In any work environment I am in, I must put emphasis on respect, diversity, growth, and relationships.