Social Justice and Inclusion
The Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI) competency area creates learning environments
that recognize and tackle ideas and practices of oppression, privilege, and power, while fostering equitable participation. According to the ACPA & NASPA (2016) competency rubric, there are four parts to SJI: understanding of self and navigating systems of power, critical assessment and self-directed learning, engaging in socially- just practice, and organizational systemic advocacy. I believe that I am at an intermediate proficiency level in this area.
I have been able to further develop my proficiency in this competency area with my experience as a Residence Director. I have been able to teach resident assistants how to effectively celebrate diversity and be inclusive through their programming. During resident assistant training, I held a session on ways to be inclusive and celebrate diversity through programming. In the session, I advocated that more resident assistants strive to be more inclusive in their programs and not to be afraid to talk about issues of race and racism.
Through my internship at the Intercultural Center at Fredonia, I believe that I continued to solidify my proficiency level in this area. During my internship, I worked on developing a campus climate survey and trying to understand the biases present at the institution. In addition, I had the opportunity to solidify my proficiency by developing a bias response team and procedure list for the entire department of Enrollment and Student Services. This response team and procedures will be put in place to combat and ensure that hate speech and other bias related incidents are not left unsolved.
Artifact 1:
During my internship at the Intercultural Center at SUNY Fredonia, I was able to conduct focus groups to obtain information about bias related incidents on campus. Also, I was able to develop assessment tool to understand how students felt about bias related incidents on campus.
Artifact 2:
The microaggressions photo project that I conducted gave me the opportunity to use technology in a way that informs and educates faculty, staff, students, and colleagues. This helps improve my digital identity and also creates a learning environment on social media.
Artifact 3:
This photo project is to educate others on the importance of pronouns and to promote a more inclusive environment for all. As I am still learning, I think it’s important that I use my privilege as a cisgender man to highlight issues that my intersex, transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming peers go through, and to help promote change.
Artifact 4:
The praxis paper helped me to articulate my understandings of how important social justice and inclusion is necessary in higher education. This paper allowed me to speak about the history of higher education and allowed me to articulate how I would like to advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion, systematically.